Sunday, February 27, 2005

view from a far off galaxy

driving over to my parent's for a quick dinner, i realized a couple of things. first i'm still bent on my parents letting my brother use AGAIN their frequent flyer miles despite this time, it will cause them double the points. yet when i wanted to use double the points, which i realize IS completely foolish, they turned me down.

and so i thought, you know my parents never gave me anything except life, grief, and an asshole brother, and i didn't ask for any of those.

and i was also thinking, and this stems from a conversation we had upnorth at the Rosa, where we wanted to measure penis size by weight. like,
"whoa that cock is so big."
"how big?"
"oh about 47 oz."

well anyway, i was thinking instead of measuring driving distance by miles or kilometers, people should measure distance by cigarettes a person needs to smoke to make the journey. for instance,
"how far is chicago from troy?"
"oh between 3 and 4 cigarettes."

and the wierd thing is, it's not a flat rate of cigarettes per mile (or cpm). instead, it's disproportional. for instance,
"phil, how far is it from your house to your parents."
"well driving there, it's not far at all, maybe have a smoke. driving back, it's about two cigarettes, depending on how many times my parents made me want to kill myself."

and i want to use this line sometime in a song: "the day will still get darker/you don't have time to sigh."

and that might sound stupid but oh well.

and you know, i go from zero to commited relationship in under 6 seconds. but i'm picky on which races to try.


At 11:40 PM, Blogger fillshe said...

please try again and fail and remove your old post.

i still get the email telling me what you wrote 3-4 times.

as far as weight, i don't know how much the avg weighs. do you mean clothed or without a jimmy hat?

At 12:00 PM, Blogger fillshe said...

cammie, save your time. you don't need to practice. i won't be able to see your face anyway from the position we'll be in.



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