vote for change (post)
here's the deal, some people complained about the old format claiming it was difficult to read. some people hate the format.
from now until i say so, the poles are open for comments as to which format you prefer.
please leave a response casting your vote.
please feel free to make more than one vote, however, not this authorizies me to kill you.
fuck you mayer.
i think your old blog format was better. but now that you've wasted time setting up a new one, losing old features such as the Impression hitter and the cool links to people like cammie who wish you live in Tenn so she could fuck your brains out while looking into your eyes, what was my point?
oh yeah, fillshe, you need to get a life. start delivering newspapers or else do something inspirational with your life like setting a forest fire.
whoa whoa whoa... phil. so i come to cast my vote, and that cammie girl has a picture next to her name. so i click on it cuz i'm curious. dude, that chick has halo 2 under her interests! that's like if box found some girl who has wwe under favorite shows. motown, who is this girl? cammie, who are you?
ps - i decided what my autograph is going to look like today.
this girl is cute, but i think she's got some dude she is sleeping with. at any rate, she has this sweet painting of like a watermelon, or some sort of fucking melon that is wearing panties and i honestly, honestly want to purchase such a painting so that when i'm lonely, i can rub the paint. cammie, can we make this scratch and sniff?
oh, and i'm voting again to change because i want to have the authority to kill myself. with love. sarah.
dear cammie,
thank you for posting numerious times on this particular posting that was meant for voting purposes. you have ruined my life.
in an attempt to be witty, cammie is indeed "hot and carming", but cammie is in no way "hot and charming". also, i gave billy your friend's gamertag or whatever the hell it's called for halo2 x-box live. third of all, obviously you have no time to reply to billy's question yet you replied saying you didn't have time!
a replies a reply.
i vote to change back to old format. sorry billy.
Phil, anybody who's anybody knows that a dark text on a light background is "easier" to read than the alternative. It has been scientifically proven that way (seriously).
Why do you think everything is white with black text?
Let's get with it and return to the old format. The new one is killing me. And my eyes...
Ohh and the only reason that Cammie can get away with using this format is because she is super cute and all of us guys know that super cute girls (especially those with a personality) get multiple "immunities" from conventional wisdom.
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