Tuesday, January 25, 2005

when it's fading fast

this is a real email i got from a co-worker. i originally read it late last nite but dismissed it thinking i had gone temporarily insane. i asked jane about it this morning as she had recieved it as well. she goes, "i don't care if they shoot birds." hahahahah. yeah, why would you care? why would anyone care? i guess this is what happens when you have absolutely nothing going in your life.

Hi All,
_____and _____are collecting signatures for a petition to restore the Dove Shooting Ban. This is a small, peaceful bird that is being hunted for the first time in 99 years. Consider these arguments for protecting the Mourning Doves (full explanation is on the attached Word document):

- Mourning doves have been continuously protected in Michigan for nearly a century.
- Dove hunting serves no wildlife management purposes.
- Doves are backyard birds much loved by the people of Michigan; they should not be shot for target practice.
- There is an unacceptably high wounding rate for dove hunting.
- Dove shooting will contribute to the discharge of enormous amounts of toxic lead shot in the environment.
- Dove shooting produces mistaken identity kills, including American kestrels, Sharp-shinned hawks and several other federally protected species.
- Dove shooting is known to produce orphaned young.
- There are plenty of other species for hunters to shoot in the state.

I know some of you may be happy the doves can be hunted. If so, please delete this email - that's what's great about this country. However, if you believe that the Doves should be protected once again, please come by my cube and add your name to the list and pass this message on to anyone else you may know who would like to protect the doves. Additional information can be found at: www.stopshootingdoves.org

225,000 signatures are needed to have this measure added to the 2006 Ballot. They are being collected by volunteers across the state... every signature will help, including yours!

Thanks for your support!


At 2:02 PM, Blogger fillshe said...

how many people got murdered at pearl harbor? i'm sure whatever number it is, that is the magic number necessary to get asian-killing legally supported.

At 4:33 PM, Blogger fillshe said...

i'll comment on duck's behalf:

what about pope killing

or pope rape-kill-rape-dumpster-binging?

At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about penis splitting???

At 7:34 PM, Blogger fillshe said...

sorry, i meant to say pope-rape-kill-rape-dumpster-BINGEING.

i think it only takes three votes for penis-splitting. or five votes if made by colored folk.

3/5ths rule.

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