Wednesday, March 23, 2005

working on your day off is like jerking off when you're a pirate with a hook for a hand

i went to the bank today to close the account. my standard federal is located in sommerset mall, which i hate. i used to work there in highschool at the candy store. i worked for 2 years. i made it to assistant manager. we used to steal from the register and my friend used to sell drugs out of the store. back in the day eh?

and the pay was shit so we justified the imbezzlement although looking back, it was pretty bad and wrong. but hey i got so many cds out of it. plus i used to not care at all. i quit eventually because i was sure i was about to get busted.

anyway, point is i hate the mall. i went there and instantly saw all these "trophy" wives that were hanging out at the salon. i hate them. i also saw a bunch of fucking women who need jobs just walking around the mall for exercise. i mean it's ok for the elderly to do that as they're old and dying, but god women GET JOBS. or give jobs to your hubby's nob.

i hate them. i hate the mall. sorry this is starting off so angry and petty.

when i was at standard federal, i got to talking to shanna and shannon who used to work with billy when billy used to work at standard federal. i never actually met shannon who is older. shanna is younger than me and has a baby boy. how cool is that?

and so shanna had gone to the mitch hedberg show a few months back with billy, chris and i. she's a nice girl. again with the kid though.

and anyway, she was on the other side of the bank, but apparently when i was chatting away with shannon, shanna, heard my voice and came over. she had seen me walk in and noticed me but didn't recognize me. maybe because i wasn't holding a beer or a smoke?

so apparently she recognized me by my voice. i was suprised. she goes, "you just really have a distinct voice." i asked, "why, is it because i'm monotone?"

but i like the fact she said i have a distinct voice, although i don't know if that's really good or bad. here are some people with distinct voices:

1. gilbert godfred
2. eddie vedder
3. rosanne barr
4. paul chambers with a pube stuck in his throat

i don't want to talk anymore.


At 12:20 AM, Blogger fillshe said...

too bad you didn't say i had a "cute" voice. i thought girls like to use that term.

i'm not in vegas anymore and i wasn't at the time i wrote that (obviously)


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