Tuesday, March 22, 2005

all nite home

i'd say typically, you can tell how much someone likes you (friend ladder and/or relationship ladder) based on how long it takes her to call you back after you've called and left a message. note it apparently doesn't count if you don't leave a message unless the girl really likes you. if the girl really likes you, she'll have been excited that you called and will call you back having your call be an excuse. if she doesn't really like you but only mildly to not at all likes you, then she will tell you next time you talk, "well you didn't leave a message so i didn't think it was anything important."

you're right, it's not important. a guy took the effort to pick up the phone and press like 4 buttons to call your girly ass even though he could have been:

1. masterbating
2. playing video games
3. drinking/smoking/shooting/suffocating
4. hanging out with guys
5. done anything else ever besides call a girl and dedicate at least 40 minutes of blocked off time

so if she calls you back shortly, she likes you. if she calls you back the next day (especially if your call was on a weekend), then she likes you enough but not to the point she WANTED to see your face that nite. rather, she was probably trying to fuck some pretty buck.

and if she doesn't call you but waits for you to call her again, then give up.

the reason this is all true is this, almost every girl ever loves talking, even on the phone, even to boring guys... wait especially boring guys. so if you're not getting calls back from a girl who clearly always wants to talk, then she has some other dude she'd rather talk to. or she's really close to her mom or sister and really sucks so who wants her anyway?


At 1:11 AM, Blogger fillshe said...

that's why guys like me look for girls like you


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