Sunday, April 03, 2005

it's a lot easier than helping him move

i'm listening to mitch hedberg and blah.

on friday, a coworker who used to play guitar was telling me how he "thought i was ambitious because i still play guitar, almost everyday." he said something like, "phil most other guys are just concerned about making money, building their career, scoring with chicks, looking good, but you man, you're doing what i wish i could do. you don't care about any of that. you just sit around and play music with your buddies."

and i was like, "oh yeah it's great that i don't care about money, career, girls, or looking good. yeah that's me, i'm real ambitious."

things just don't taste as sweet these days. i need to either stop eating sweets or eat them more often. this is all a metaphor.


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