Sunday, May 29, 2005

i'm thinking of painting a black hole in the center of my heart.

i was at the thrift store the other day (first of off i didn't end up purchasing anything). but anyway, i saw a copy of hum: you'd prefer an astronaut which is wierd because i was just listening to that album the other day.

sidenote i'm in the process of burning like 300 cds so i've been burning them all day and it's really slowing down my computer right now, so as i type, there's a long delay before i see the letters which is interesteing and difficult and annoying because at times i'm making all sorts of typos but then don't realize until about 40 seconds later. really i'm typing blanks and then the letters all fall onto the page all at once.

so because of this i've decided not to worry about typos/mispellings. if you see any, that this is the reaon, or because i'm an idiot. and i meant resason. damn it. reason.

ok back to the point, so i saw that album of hum there at the thrift store. and although i unfortunately have no idea who this person is who donated this to the sal army, i do know this:

this person likes top 40 "stars" (ddl) which is a sweet song no doubt. however, this person was probably not so impressed about the other songs on the album and after having the damn cd in his collection for the past 10 years, decided it was time to part ways to make room for other cds that he bought because of top hit single worthyness, like the new lenny kravitz album or some shite.

fuck you guy. also that album by hum is so awesome. i almost bought it to take it off the hands of the sal army. because i'd feel really bad and partially responsible if some kid walked into the music corner of the sal army and saw that hum cd and just assumed the cd sucked because it was wasting away in a thrift store. at least if it was in a used record store in the bargain bin, you would know that the cd was either sold or traded in. in these thrift stores though, it's a pure donation.



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