Saturday, September 24, 2005

get your fucking existance out of my zip code

the completely sad truth of it all is she sucks. she needs to take the fist out her ass and realize people don't give a fuck as much as the everyday petty little things that irritate her. if she had any importance in life, whether it be through work, the community, friends, whatever, then she'd for sure not have as much time to dwell of fucking minor details.

what's more important, the fact that shoes are lined up against the walls making it more difficult to do the weekly vaccuum? who gives a fuck. hey idiot, yesterday i came home from work to find the hair straightener had been left on for the past 9 hours. what do you think about the importance of not setting other people's shit on fire?

remember all those guy friends (never met but i'm sure they are pathetic little pricks) that you always let take you out to dinner and sporting events and pay for shit at the bar? remember how you let them buy you things? you are a terrible terrible human. if you're not going to give them the ass they want (who knows why) then have the good will in you to let them they'll never tapped your fake bake ass.

and how will this all end? with you seducing some average failure fuckface who will think you're so hot (hot enough to make up for your lack of personality) and will bend over backwards to stick his dick in all the places you'll let him. then you're going to marry the schmuck, retire from working because you're a lazy fuck, and then ruin his life.

i know for a fact that there are more people out there than there are people unlike you. and that is why i hate people.


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