Friday, October 21, 2005

chocolate makes me queef

last nite was ridiculous. dollar beers at this college type bar where an old school hip hop cover band played hits like: jump, nuthin' but a g thang, regulators, schooop, just a friend.

i was so drunk this morning when i woke up. i actually slept in 30 minutes longer. i never do. when i got out of the shower, i returned to find my housemate's cat had vomitted in my room. awesome.

and i get onto the train and am convinced i will vomit on the person sitting down in front of me. (i was standing up)

i get into work to find my key card is at home. doesn't matter anyway, it was a temp that they had nicely deactivated thursday evening, without telling me. they let me find out for my own that i was locked out.

so we had these peons bring in breakfast for us this morning and i'm thinking, i need some food to soak up this alcohol. remember, i'm still drunk. my face is visibly red from alcohol poisoning. i get back and find that i continuously put in my mouth multiple food items that don't belong together. such as potatos and strawberries. or bacon and grapes. and despite knowing and thinking this tastes like shit because of the combo i've made, i keep stuffing anything and everything, dief style.

and i drop some bacon onto my pants. i look down to pick it off (and eat it) when i notice, my fly was unzipped. and it had been the entire train ride

i'm still hungover now


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