Friday, November 25, 2005

ch 4

i don't answer the phones in my parents' house anymore. why?

phil: "hello?"
asian woman[in manderin]: "blah blah blah blah is this your dad?"
phil: "no."
asian woman: "oh sorry i must have the wrong number."
phil: "no, this isn't [my dad], but you have the right number.
asian woman: "okay, well can i speak to your mom?"

i don't know, it's frustrating to me.

and i was thinking about rafael palmeiro about what a strange situation. he gets caught using performance enhancing drugs for baseball but no one cares that he was a spokesman for performance enhancing drugs for fucking. drugs never hurt anyone in baseball (except those people who died or got hurt) but i know of plenty of drugs that have hurt people while fucking. my god, there's even a warning for cialis that if you verse an errection for more than 4 hours, then please seek immediate medical attention before you are blueballed to death.


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