Wednesday, January 19, 2005

can you tell my actions are orchestrated?

i vow to go to bed early tonite. early means before midnite.

last nite i came home for caroline's birthday gathering at her house and played guitar for an hour before going to bed after 1am. it's not so smart as i felt like i dragged ass today. but it was completely necessary.

i often think of how i messed up this opportunity and have regretted the fuckup for years now. but i guess that's why it's called an opportunity as it's a chance but not a guarantee. i think most chances at happiness, even momentary glimpses, are opportunities. i wish the percentages were flopped.

or flipped.

(sidenote, if you thought the dixie chicks wrote that line, you deserve to go to jail. do not pass go. do not collect $200).

or 1,000,000 pesos.

or one arabian horse.

or 201 units.

back to the point (i'll start over as i am an idiot)...
cat stevens sang, "the first cut is the deepest." but i was thinking, now that isn't entirely true because sometimes the second cut is on the opposite wrist.

so yeah, the real point is that i fucked up the opportunity twice.

i think that the type of people who are high-up in my company are mostly work-aholics. the reason i think this is because in order to have gotten to the position, they must have once manned the position of associate media director, which basically means, work-aholic. (see how i tried to make a point by using the point as the answer. or something. adjective?)

no but SERIOUSLY!!!! they truely work so hard, these amd's. and having to work with them everyday makes me work hard. if they were lazy ass's, i wouldn't feel so bad go to the men's room on the hour to shit in an urinal.

they work hard. that's why they're work-aholics.

this posting was brought to you by "Core 3 Solutions", where 3 is better than 2, and you!


At 8:39 PM, Blogger fillshe said...

no johnny, that posting was not for you. i didn't read your email until much later. i think most people who read my postings or read my away messages or whatever assume that i'm always referring to them or someone they know. why would you think that? i would never display my beliefs or feelings for someone just online where anyone and everyone could have access. that would be lame. that would be "gay". (whatever that means boxy-poo).

actually i'm a lier.

(just like you? or him? or her? hmmmm hmmm?)

anyway, so seriously it was not about you but older people in general who fall in love so fast because they feel they need to cling to someone before it's too late.

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