Tuesday, February 22, 2005

do you have any bad habits?

that was what this Elisa girl commented. what are you talking about? i don't have any bad habits. well, actually the more i think about it, it becomes clearer that i indeed have a couple:

1. breathing
2. leaving the toilet seat up after shitting
3. spitting on immigrants
4. chewing gum while giving a girl oral pleasure (make sure you trim!)
5. eating while talking on the phone (thanks missy)
6. being honest to people even when they don't want to hear it
7. leaving empty white castle crave cases on my bedroom floor (23 days and counting)

i had a couple more but i didn't want to appear unattractive to any eligible ladies out there.


At 12:26 AM, Blogger fillshe said...

hey got to keep them in their places. f o b this.


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