Saturday, February 12, 2005

you cannot rotate enough

i'm sitting right next to billy right now typing this at his house. actually, i'm kneeling like an alter boy ready for "confession" while he's sitting at another computer listening to music. we're waiting on an ebay auction he's bidding on. some digital electronic device.

then it's off to best buy to waste more money. how great it is to be an american. when i grow up, i want to be president of the united states of america and bomb the shit out of other countries until some lucky punk getting paid by his government and his god gets off a lucky shot that strikes me down in a cloak or red mist.

one shot one kill.

billy just asked, "do you want a little chair."
i go, "no, amazingly, i feel really comfortable on my knees."

(and then we made out, well inside my mind but instead of billy being billy, he was scarlet johanson and instead of me being crazy me, i was replaced by scarlet johanson as well. it was "scarlet-red hot".) that was lame.

i got this email about the definition of "circling the drain" from andrea.

circle the drain
to gradually die (literally or figuratively)
in a sentence: When Dan started telling the girl at the bar that he lived in a barn with 3 sheep, 2 horses, and his parents, his chances of beating it up that night started circling the drain.

circle the drain,
numbing the brain,
watching the heart,
bleed out still remains,
until what's left,
is all that's right,
without confusion,
with no memory,
of lost loves,
and fake maybes,
or things that happened,
things not meant to be,
blame the situation,
the god damn bad timing,
circle the drain,
until all that's left,
is another song to write,
as you bleed through the nite.


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