Sunday, April 24, 2005

act black live white breathe green

and this i'm certain.

some of my friends from work constantly bum cigs off me at the bar each time we are out. when i say bum, i mean pillage. they bum like 10 a nite. they always say how they'll buy me a new pack on monday. i always tell them i don't care. and i don't really care. it really isn't a big deal. but it does get noticed. and they never do buy the new pack. so it goes.

yesterday's piston's game was awesome. we came back after sucking it up hardcore in the first quarter. it's nice watching the game in a suite with unlimited alcohol and enough chicken fingers to even satisfy me.

also i saw on the news a few days ago that cookie monster no longer just eats and promotes the consumption of cookies. now he's about eating healthy, singing "cookies are a sometimes food." what has this world come to?

and i made out with a girl last nite. it was nice. this is neither a new girl nor an old girl. we'll see. i'm not worried about such things at this junction.

our soccer game got cancelled today as it has been snowing non-stop since yesterday. the snow isn't collecting though. but stil, it's fucking the end of april. enough already. i walked into my parent's house for lunch today and noticed the thermostat was at 55 degrees. that's pretty sweet, if i wasn't human with nerve receptors on my skin.

i think i'm classically conditioned to have to shit whenever i drink orange juice at my parent's house. i drink it whenever i eat meals and i instantly have to shit. i'm not really sure why. or maybe, i'm classically conditioned to have to shit whenever i hear my mom's voice. seriously, i don't know.

"hey you with the face, you face works like a laxative." or something.

i wonder what my parent's think as i have to go to the bathroom mid meal half the time. i wonder if they think i'm buelimic. they haven't ever asked. i think that's wierd that they don't ask. i wonder if they wonder.

you know it's true what they say. if you want to move now and explore the world, you should do so now. but sometimes if and when you return, the things you once had are lost and stolen from you. it's really a gamble eh? i'm not a gambling man. not with certain things.

gorman, keith, and i were watching ALI this morning, starring our fav, will smith. i think he won an oscar for that. and jamie fox won for RAY. and so i was thinking, how these movies are based off of real people and such and the mass audience eats up this shit. they'd rather spend 2 hours in a theatre learning history than picking up a book or watching the history channel. i'm like that too i guess. but i was thinking, when are they going to make a real, high-budget production on kurt cobain? and who would play him? i wonder. i bet that movie won't come out for another 20 years but when it does, whoever gets to play him will win an oscar.


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