Tuesday, April 05, 2005

google this biatch.

i just cooked a 3 star meal. it wasn't so good because i had to hurry as i have to go meet people for bowling tonite.

i played basketball this evening already. i sucked. i'm decent on d, when guarding goldbond, but that's because he's white.

i like both sunny d AND the purple stuff.

i remember that time you told me you miss me. and it really meant a lot hearing that even though it had only been like a few minutes after we had last seen each other in person. i also remember this other thing that i will speak of at a later date.

i gave this girl at work today a prescreening ticket of the movie "a lot like love." she's like, "i don't think i want to see this movie." i go, "don't you like ashton?" "no, but amanda peet is pretty hot."

and then i had a boner when the girl said that shit. the boner turned out to just be my cell phone in my pocket going off to remind myself that i am a loser.

there comes a time in every teenage boy's life when he just needs to pick up the revolver and yell "MOW!" and then see if he should survive.

and why is the IR room not called the I room if IR stands for infared, clearly 1 word.


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