Monday, May 16, 2005

list of things i am thinking of

my eyes burn like i was the ghost rider.

i cannot find my copy of the crow soundtrack. does anyone know where it is?

it's always about the girl and if i say it isn't, then it's a lie.*

*see me for specific details

i stole that pin but i won that sticker

i played guitar for a couple of hours today until my fingers became raw... but it was worth it as i laid down the foundation of two new songs... billy you will like one of them because it sounds riff based.

seems like a lot of people have been getting screwed lately.. damn bad luck:
1. yount's car broken into and work laptop stolen
2. jane's car gets hit by a hit and run
3. my work computer crashes and i lose a ton of digital pics/videos
4. paul/squirrel is fat
5. hockey season is locked out
6. that whole slavery thing (for "colored" folk)
7. me speaking my mind instead of doing and now stuck always wondering about _____
8. the new pope selected is catholic

if you actually missed my postings while i was gone, you probably don't masterbate enough.

or you masterbate too much.

i wish i were blank.


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