Saturday, June 25, 2005

i would smash your face with this flashlight if you were 2 feet closer


missy once told me that i get off on parent's of my friends liking me. and i don't but they usually do.

and i took her to phil a's b-day party/memorial day bbq at tammy's brother's house. and we got there early enough so that the people that were going that we would have known weren't there yet. so it was a lot of family and shit of phil a's.

and it was awkward and uncomfortable for us. but i was enjoying the people watching.
and tonite at this more or less random girl's house party, which by the way, wasn't even her party but her housemates, it was me and this girl and 50 other people.

and i don't know this girl. just met her once.

and i didn't know any of the 50.

and i liked to people watch. and it was alright because you know what, i think i get off a bit on the uncomfortableness. i definitely was uncomfortable. it's not that i'm shy because i'm not. it's more of just not knowing anyone when everyone else knows everyone else. and i got there late when everyone was already drunk and into whatever gameplan each one had designed.

and i think i get off in moments when i have to tell myself "so this is your life"

it was interesting tonite.


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