Sunday, February 19, 2006

all the scars in the sky

the new and belle is interesting like the last. not my favorite album at all but it's got moments of beauty. and isn't that what life is?

i realize how ridiculous things are at times and it's refreshing to laugh at the stupidness of natural thought and tendencies.

i started watching tv weeks ago again. when i say that, i mean tv dramas. and it's difficult because these are shows that have been going on for seasons. also they require devotion, and i don't have tivo. but they are fillers. i feel like most people use tv and love it and need it and they don't even realize why. they need it to fill the empty pages in their life. other people do shit like fuck or exercise.

i have president's day off tomorrow. but i need to go to the bank and get a new license (illinois baby, i guess... and have to take the written exam) and both those things are closed. beyond that, getting a new housemate too. but i have no other plans but to feed myself. at least it's to be nicer out. this fucking cold is for the birds, well actually not i guess as them bastards fly south.

nic said they are coming in the day before st patty's. should be a ridiculous time. i am sure i will vomit all over the streets of chicago.

both u.s. and canada lost today in hockey. it was awesome to watch them play. i guess i don't care so much that they lost because i know players on all the teams anyway. but it's strange. times they are a-changin'.


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