Thursday, March 23, 2006

duke is a bitch ass

i'm glad i'm already out in my brack even before my picked champion duke lost today. bunch of sissy's.

i think i am catching a cold again. doesn't help that i got blackout wasted last nite. i didn't black out but i did save on car insurance.

i think my piss has a distinct smell after a nite of cigarettes and alcohol. i think it has a full barley scent. instead of cereal in the morning, you should suck me off stupid. breakfast of champions.

i will be going to bed early tonite so that hopefully tomorrow i won't wake up with a frog in my throat.

you're so gay you fucked your mom so hard that her dick fell off.

i made a mix on my ipod flying back from detroit but it didn't save so i'm pissed.

i cut my hair today with my robocut and it looks decent again. this shall do for at least 2 months.

after working a long day of 11 hours, i went to the irish pub near my house for dinner. i love me some shepards pie.

okay, penis do your thing


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