Friday, December 24, 2004

405 acoustic style

yesterday was great. i got to see the old crew: mayer, johnny, duck, prasad, and myself. suprisingly, it was a relatively tame nite by our standards. these are all the people i went to college with... roommates/housemates with. we have all since moved to different locations, except for myself. whenever we get back together though, we start off where we left off, and there's no bullshit small talk. none necessary.

jane's birthday is today. happy birthday. it sucks that it falls on a holiday, but so it goes. i hope she had fun last nite at the bar. we went to the post in ferdale.

i have this feeling that jane attracts a lot of duche bags at the bar. i think last nite was no different. who knows, maybe one day one of them will be a diamond in the rough. or maybe she's just destined to be with a loser.

it was interesting that someone last nite commented about the same scenario. except they added that the fact jane's dad is a carpenter... a blue-collared worker... is the reason why jane attracts these losers. i have to disagree. it would be true if jane actively was seeking out these guys verses the guys seeking her out.

also there's nothing wrong whatsoever with blue collared folk. although i have to admit the thought has crossed my mind numerous times whether i would date a girl who worked as a clerk full-time. i know if the girl was right, it wouldn't matter. but still to be honest, i know it would be one of the cons in my mind, at least initially. i guess being brought up in a city where not going to a major university is abnormal really has slanted my perspective on the reality of the world and has slanted my views on what are really important. it's too late now too, although being conscious of this all "helps" i suppose.

i was going to write more but i need to eat. blah to these human needs. blah the libidos.

hoping for a little more than another kiss tonite. i'll let you know.


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