Sunday, February 13, 2005

this post is not about me complaining about anything, i promise

another thing, i was thinking about the unfortunate scenario when a sweet rock n roller lives too long. now, i'm not saying i hope everyone sweet dies. but i'm just saying, the mick jager that you know now is a shell of the man he once was. and so in that respect, i never want to see him on stage again. i never want to see him rock out with his cock out, so to speak. i want to remember him as the young mick that fucked all those hot women with no regard for std's (oh those were the days). i want to remember him engulfing so many drugs and just being a complete badass, not for the senior citizen that he is now with a "family".

this thought process stems from going to best buy every other week and hoping for new music dvds from the past. but instead, they don't really come out with old footage, rather they have performances from like 2001. like i want to see that crap. hmmmm, would i rather see them in their prime back in the '60s or would i rather see them trying to sqeeze a $20 million tour into a halfass performance where there'e more gray hairs on mick's head than roadies in backstage with cleavage full of condoms.

also, i'm not at all just talking about the stones, but all groups who have outlived their legend. another fucker is paul mccartney. seeing him perform at the superbowl half time show was a crapper. first of all, john AND george were way cooler and talented. second, he played beatles songs with some lame ass back up band. and couldn't he have picked better songs at least?


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