Wednesday, February 09, 2005

tiny droplets of hope accumulating on the windshield of your jetta, until with one foul swoop, your wiper erases and you repeat

first of all, i need to remind myself to look out the window before i go outside. i opened the door this morning and a blizzard kicked me in the head. this all happened about 1 minute after i made my last post, after i accidently fell into my roommate mark's bedroom door with my rock-solid body and then almost fell down our half-flight of steps.

anyway, i had no idea it was going to snow or that it was snowing like cats and dogs and flakes.

couple thoughts in my long, boring, cigaretteless ride into work today:

1. idea for a bortha t-shirt: "i joined the kkk because of their benefits package and their 401k program."

2. i find the distance between us to be good training for the distance that will be between us.

3. i really like that scene in "man on the moon", that movie staring jim carey about andy kaufman (sp?). the scene i'm refering to (that i haven't actually referenced yet hahahahah) is near the end of the movie when he's in indo-china or somewhere and he's got the cancer, and is trying to get it removed through alt-medicine. he's laying there on this bed and noticed the little trick the "doctors" use in order to make the appearance of cancer-removal. if you haven't seen the movie, then you'll never know what i'm talking about because i'm not explaining the scene so well.

anyway, i like the scene because when he realizes this is a scam, he just sort of laughs a sad, defeated laugh. at that point in time, he realizes, all the hopes he's had and effort he's put in has been directed at a lie.

and i think that's a very pessimistic point of view, but that's how i feel about a lot of things, such as religion. and i feel sorry for a lot of you optimistic, hopefully, happy people out there. because you're in for a mean, fucking suprise. not as bad as a blizzard kicking you in the face, but close.


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