Wednesday, April 13, 2005

you should've been in my shoes yesterday

when god was passing out brains, you thought he said, "you should be a fuckface" and so you became one.

it's colder than an eskimo's freezer in here.

there's a new commericial with eskimos and more importantly, with eskimo kisses. somehow rubbing noses just isn't as hot as deep throating your mom.

i was playing lots of guitar this evening. i rediscovered some riffs and songs that i have probably forgotten for about 3 months. it was exciting.

also working on a new song that i'm not sure how it'll just turn out but i think it'll rock a little.

i'm practicing playing while standing up (using guitar strap of course). please note i've probably only played standing up now, honestly, maybe 16 times. maybe a little more a little less. anyway, it's hard on my shoulder as billy and i realized i pull the guitar up and have all this left shoulder tension. oh well. it's too much pressure on my wrist if my guitar hangs too low. anyway, it's tiring on my legs too. i like to run and don't mind walking at all. but i HATE just standing. somehow, standing still is much worse and tiresome on my legs and back than moving around. and it's much worse standing with a 50 lb guitar.

actually i don't have any clue how much the damn fucker weighs.

i wonder if making a conscious effort before sleeping to try and remember dreams helps. i've been remembering an awefully high percentage of my dreams lately. we'll test this tonite.


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