Friday, January 27, 2006

i'm definitely shaking

prasad and i once talked about this, i'm not sure why, but it's true:

if you're sick and you orgasim, you run risk of getting worse. if it seemed like you were getting better, you will now reverse the flow and so on.

i followed this point this week and behaved and so hopefully this sickness will not linger nearly as long as it quite possibly could.

my shoulder seems really fucked up today. while at the doctor's yesterday for my fever, i also took x-rays of my shoulder. i hope to get sign-off to see a chiropracter. i need to re-align my shoulder. when the doctor asked me how long it's been, i thought long and hard and finally gave up, guessing 6 months. it may have been a few years as far as i know. i told her that my shoulder/upper back flares up when i drink, which seemed wierd. doc agreed. but it's true. and i remember junior year of college at chamber's watching game 7 of wings vs avs where wings won like 8 to 1 and chamber's had to sit outside entire game because he is evil luck to wings. that nite, we drank and my back hurt so bad i ended up laying upstairs on the floor in utter agony. blah. was that the same issue back then?

although working typically sucks, it does lend itself to the weekend which is full of release and relief. but this round, i am sick and should behave. and will. but i'm already bored... and tired. so the question is, would i rather work and then have the weekend to enjoy, or would i rather not work and be sick for most of the work week but then have to stay in on the weekend too. obviously there is another ultimate scenario but given only those two, i think i would take the former. because i am bored. sleep is good if you're an infant. drink is better if you're a common person. i ain't no baby.

"cockroaches are so cute." that is the quote of the year. my fucking french faggot roommate said that in response to my other roommate Jeane telling him the cockroaches in the kitchen need to be terminated. what is wrong with you?

i quit smoking a few days ago. i keep feeling like i should get 1 smoke now, here or there or anywhere or something. it's hard to quit cold turkey. i, in fact, still have a few packs duck gave me. so what to do. what if i just smoke one? i'm sick but i doubt 1 cig will make me worse. dilema.

your brainstems are cute.


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