Thursday, December 16, 2004

look at the lil' bastard!

so i think i'm going to use the term "wasted" more often to cover basically everything. like when i'm drunk, i'm going to say, "i'm wasted", because i am. but when i'm fucked up from other things, like a raging bull hits me and knocks out my libido, i'm going to say, "i'm fucking wasted and my penis fell off".

i think this will enable me to have an excuse to act like a jackass. people ALWAYS understand, as long as nothing is really meant from whatever is said or done, because one is a fucking alcoholic.

it's a disease, like "Milton Bradley crabs" (reference from thanksgiving eve 2004 nite when my friends and i were wasted).

so boxy-poo today wrote an email and referenced "sodomy" spelling it "sotomy". now, i can relate being non-american and all and having a wicked handicap in prounoucing certain words. but come on man, you've got to know certain key words like "sodomy", "skull-fucking", "donkey-punching ecoli erin", and "oj simpson was a good christian".

i went to this time inc party tonite which wasn't nearly as fun as it was the year before. it was still good times, but again, wasn't as good as it was the year before. i forgot again until tonite how many hot skirts work in the advertising field. so many of them are in their 30's, but that's alright with me because i do well with the age bracket from 3-12 and from 30-69. speaking of 69, remember that fat ass in that football movie with dawson's creek?

i think british acents are hot, but only on women. hugh grant can suck a hooker's crack pipe.

i'm glad mayer writes comments about my posts. if only duck wasn't a fuck...

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