Thursday, April 14, 2005

you thought i was serious? fool.

on my way to a temporary dream.

i cannot recall any dreams i had last nite. so my test worked but the results are failure.

i really like the new(er) kings of leon album. the first song uses the word fucking a lot. not in the sexual sense. just fucking ____. it's a nice ease into the album.

tomorrow is toledo. tomorrow will be grande.

Below is a study by Bizrate Media about Women and their fucking pets... not pets they have for fucking, just fucking pets:

Women Majority Prefer Pets to Partners
For those in the pet, pet accessories, and pet services businesses, here's a heads-up for your "behavioral targeting" strategies. According to a study of pet owners by BizRate Research for Shopzilla, pampered pets are becoming women's priority vs. their partners.
The study reports that 56% of women feel that their pets are more affectionate than their partner, while only 41% of men feel that way. And 45% of women think their pets are cuter than their partners, twice as many as men. In the study, women said they had a deeper emotional connection with their pets than men did.
Other findings include:
73% of female pet owners report they are more inclined to date or marry someone who also has a pet
72% of women pet owners report their pets make them happier than their jobs. (compared to only 60% of the men)
Women are inclined to spend about $50-$100 a month on their pet
39%% of women pet owners would consider taking their pet to a pet psychic, groomer or therapist
37% of the female owners will consider a pet funeral (almost twice as many as men)
The survey saw that 36% of women owners take their pets along with them to run errands such as shopping or going to the hair salon
70% of female pet owners feel that their pets reflect their personality


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