Sunday, May 08, 2005

tim duncan is boring to watch

i'm in an incredible amount of pain right now. back and neck... two unnecessary regions of the body. moving sara out and playing two soccer games (back to back) is killing me smalls.

so i'm taking this bayer now. i didn't want to previously as it almost made my heart stop last time i took some doses. let's see if i wake up tomorrow.

i find it amusing for no reason whatsoever, whenever people have messenger away messages that say exactly what they are doing and with whom. it's like they are bragging or something. i mean otherwise, why post it? so the people on your list can see and stalk you down? hunt you like wild buffalo?

i'll admit it i do it too at times. but when i read someone's away message, i almost never expect to gain possession of that sort of knowledge. i'd much rather get insight on a random thought someone happened to have while posting. if i really want to know what's going on with someone, i'll pick up this thing called a phone and call.

i know this is just me being picky. the whole thing just interests me a bit.

sidenote, this all stemmed from me reading someone's away message whom i don't really like and me asking myself "i don't give a fuck that you're watching sunday nite television with what's his face." then again it's my fault for checking (addictively).

how old am i again? god i am such an internet fiend.

i found out tonite that my brother, who is in law school, is not planning on getting any job during this summer. rather, he's taking more classes in order to expediate his schooling. but the thing is, and i'm sure mayer can vouch, is that when you're trying to work your way into the field of law, it's just as important the work experience and networking connections one recieves as it is the grades one gets. the grades help you get those internships/and shit. my brother is an idiot. he is just lazy and doesn't want to work.

if i wake up tomorrow with this neck and back soreness, i'm going to call and sick and kill myself. actually, that's a lie. i'm going to go to work like a bitch/robot and make the shite wage that i need to keep my pockets full of hope for a bright future.

i was just looking at 10+ years of relevant work experience? shit.


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