Friday, January 27, 2006

hung when you're awake

so i just finished watching the second movie of the day. and i'm sleepy and bored still. and hazy. but i don't know if the haze is from this new medication. first day, we'll see.

i don't think i've mentioned this before but some web servers are classifying my website as "adult content". so if you search "fillshe" and click the link, sometimes something like "web nanny" or some other catholic-government bullshit. apparently a message came up of the sort earlier this week when billy tried to access my humor database at his bank computer. access denied. no soup for you.

do not pass go do not collect $200.

the movie i watched earlier this afternoon was happy gilmore. i still use this quote all the time, which no one EVER has gotten the reference:
"gold jack green jack who gives a shit." i say it when i really don't think it's a big deal about whatever other people think is a big deal. maybe you haven't heard me use it before but believe me, i use it at least once every 10 days. so look for.

and i just watched the matrix 2. which makes me now want to watch the matrix 3. i know what you're thinking, 3 came out like 3 years ago, how have you still not seen it. well i haven't. i still haven't seen your mom's penis even i know it's been there for 30 years. fucking dick-dyke.

adult content? why would they block me for such a made up shite?

so seriously, i need to watch matrix 3. and i'm so lazy (how lazy are you?) i'm so lazy i won't walk to the corner movie rental place to rent. i'd rather just go to best buy tomorrow, as planned and pick up the probably crapful movie for $10. it cannot cost more than $10 right?

the thing about matrix 2 that i didn't like was how the architech guy or whatever his name is, the creater of the matrix, the old white dude with a full white beard, looked the way he looked. that's lame. maybe the directors could have had a sense of humor and made the guy look like jesus. or alanis morraset.

i'm glad i misspelled her fucking name.


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