Tuesday, January 11, 2005

when i find out what went wrong

i am writing this posting from nic's house so it may have to be brief as i am in the way of the foosball table. also it's kind of wierd writing with people over my shoulder.

we went out to the wab tonite for dinner. it's half off mondays. i had a great roast beef sandwich. i would recommend the ice water, as well.

paul was talking to billy about how guys just want to spend all their liquid assets on toys, or at least that's what he does. he was saying that he needs to have his own (electronic) toys to play with and doesn't care what jen wants. not that he doesn't care, but he thinks she needs to have her own. like they can't share. similarly this girl from work named carrie was saying how she got an ipod for x-mas because she was sharing one with her finance (i think the dingo ate your baby) but then they realized they could no longer share. they both needed to have their own.

anyway, my comment was similar. i agreed saying, "i need to have my own orgasm. if the girl wants to have one of her own, that's fabulous. but i need my own and i'm not sharing."

blah, it was funnier in the moment.

and the wab doesn't have any urinals in the mens' room which i think is so bizarre. it's just awkward to have to piss on a toilet seat.

and that reminded me and billy of that time freshman year when i lived in the dorms and someone in my hall puked in one of the urinals, and the cleaner refused to clean up the vomit-piss so she let it rot for a whole month.

and i was thinking after dinner, i've always been the type of guy that you either love or hate. i mean a lot of people really enjoy/love my company. a lot of other people find me annoying. i think less people think i'm annoying these days but there are still many. anyway, i was thinking how i wish girls either loved me or wanted to fuck my brains out. under those circumstances, i really wouldn't be picky.

is "cellar door" the most beautiful combination of words ever? i was seriously thinking about it and i cannot come up with anything better. two words. try it.


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