Sunday, September 25, 2005

not sure if this is pure or evil:

so i have this strange effect on people i meet where they often feel very comfortable with me. sometimes this happens after trading sappy anecdotes and sometimes it comes after just talking about what i often find myself talking about: some bullshit philosophical idea about relationships and/or happiness.

how long will we believe?

so it's interesting because i find myself creating bonds with strangers consistently and constantly to the point that it's like, man, are these bonds as strong as i thought because i would assume anything so easily constructed can be even more easily deconstructed.

i think the asian look also helps bring an at ease feeling of comfortableness. i am not my father's father. i am not even asian fuckers! i just wear the skin and slur the ing-words. but perhaps it's a real suprise and wonder when they find i'm asian and still possess the great qualities that make girls creame their woo-has.


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