Sunday, January 02, 2005

everybody just wants to be free

i went to verizon today as my 2-year service plans officially ends on jan. 7th, in the year 2005 of our lord. i need to get a new phone, which i can basically trade in for free, although they then hit you/ME with a $50 phone bundle kit fee. whatever. at least now my caller ID will work.

so i went there but didn't actually get a phone as they were out of the LG phone i wanted to get. so i'll have to purchase it later. now the question then comes to mind when i activate the phone whether or not i should switch my phone number from the current 734 area code to a 248 number.

the obvious con of switching is that i have to tell everyone that i actually want to give my new number to my new cell. and even though there aren't THAT many people, i still would like to have the ability of those once-every-3-month-friends to have my phone number as well. you all know and have those types of friends. there's nothing at all wrong with them either, but just know they exist and where you and they stand. keep it real yo.

the obvious pro of switching is that i live in a 248 area code. so why have a 734 one when it just makes it necessary to enter 248 numbers with that pre-fix-number or whatever. i hate entering info into my phone.

the not so obvious con is that if i switch, my mom will not have to use a calling card to call me, which translates to my mom calling me often and driving me crazy. as it is, she doesn't have a long distance phone plan for her house line and doesn't own a cell. so in order to call me, she has to use a calling card just to remind me that i have to do some stupid obvious task.

so i guess i will not be getting a new number. just thinking about the consequence makes my dick limp.

oh yeah uofm sucked last nite as predicted.

i want some garlic bread!


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